Shura Board Members 

What We Do

Shura Board Responsibilities

Annual Budget 

The Shura Board is tasked with the Reviewing the yearly.

Annual Fundraiser

Dar AlJalal Shura Board is responsible for planning and.

Constructions & Expansions

Shura Board Responsibilities: One of the main responsib.

External Fundraiser Approval 

Shura Board is responsible of Reviewing any external fu.

Performance Evaluations of Executive Committee Members

The Shura Board has the responsibility to run periodic .

Performance Evaluations of Executive Director

The Shura Board has the responsibility to run periodic .

Meet The Board

Shura Members

Shura Board President
Shura Board Vice President
Board Treasury,
Board Secretary,
Executive Assistant Director
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member,
Facility Director
Board Member
Shura Board Hierarchy

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