


Disability affects millions of people in the world today, with numbers that are only growing.
Today we are here for our loved ones living with disabilities, but tomorrow we may not be. There is a glaring need for the Muslim community to become better equipped for the people that are such a valuable part of our society. It was this absence of support in the Muslim community that led our founders Dr Omar Suleiman and Sr. Joohi Tahir to start MUHSEN (Read more about our founders in Who We Are).


MUHSEN Mission

Muhsen is a nonprofit umbrella organization serving children and adults with any intellectual, mental, or physical disability. Muhsen’s aim is to establish an inclusive and accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and their families. Muhsen will assume an active role to advocate and educate, conduct training, and implement programs and services across North America to improve the experience within mosques, conventions, related classes and events, as well as to engender a positive and welcoming community for persons with disabilities.



Muhsen will strive to lead in creating a better understanding of Disabilities in our communities and building a better future for these “Special” People of Jannah, In shaa Allah where they are welcomed and all their needs are addressed as they are accepted by all.


Better Communities for All

MUHSEN believes in a better society
for persons with disabilities is a better society for all.


What is Disability?

A disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions).



There are many types of disabilities, such as those that affect a person’s:

  • Vision
  • Movement
  • Thinking
  • Remembering
  • Learning
  • Communicating
  • Mental health
  • Social relationships


MUHSEN provides a range of programs and services across North America to improve the experience within mosques, and engender positive communities for those with disabilities.

aims for both better communities and better daily lives for all adults and children who are living with disabilities. Now DarAlJalal is Muhsen is silver-certified!

Click Below to register with Muhsen

Events at Dar Aljalal

1) Muhsen Disability Awareness Workshop
Saturday Oct 28, 2023

MUHSEN hosted a Disability Youth Workshop at Dar Aljalal! They had an interactive activities session for kids ages 6 and up, to teach our youth how it feels to live with a disability! This in turns aids our younger generations to grow empathic and compassionate towards our brothers and sisters living with disabilities!

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